Goodbye Meta
Excerpts from a FB and IG post on January 11, 2025
So-called “social media” has been a part of my life since 2009, mostly with Facebook and more recently with Instagram, with a few brief episodes on other platforms (Twitter/X and Snapchat). That's approximately 30% of my 50 years of living.
I’m saying goodbye to Meta (Facebook and Instagram). I'm doing so for two primary reasons…
While there are some aspects of social media I've enjoyed (as an avenue of self expression, connecting with others, etc.), I believe there is credible evidence of significant harm.
On a personal level, I've struggled with self-management of social media, and it's often induced anxiety, depression, insomnia, and disconnection with others in the present moment, to name a few unpleasant side effects. It's telling that some of social media’s creators sharply limit or even ban the use of their products by their own children.
Beyond this, it has become an avenue of spreading extreme hate and ignorance. As Zuckerberg’s recent announcement indicates, hate and ignorance are very profitable to him and his fellow digital wannabe demigods. As has long been true throughout the history of the elite ruling class, especially since the Industrial Revolution and the rise of the big business oligarchy class in the US, we all know that the health and wellbeing of us, their customers (not to mention the planet), are far from their top concern (e.g. tobacco, sugar, coal and oil, or more recently healthcare and airline industries, just to name a few).
Related to that, the exploitation of the vast majority of us by the cruel, egotistical, greedy, morally bankrupt elite ruling class and their pet politicians has hit an emotional and economic breaking point. While we struggle to just keep a roof over our heads and food on our tables, they have amassed disgusting amounts of wealth and lived lavish lives.
And since the aforementioned politicians (on both sides of the aisle) are by and large hopelessly bought and paid for, that leaves us with only a few other options to fight for equality and a decent standard of living.
One of those options is if we, en masse, STOP USING THEIR PRODUCTS/SERVICES. Aside from them using (abusing) us for their labor, that's how they make their money off of us.
So I'm done with Facebook and Instagram and I won't be switching over to another platform (sorry Blue Sky for my brief fling with you). And I encourage you to consider similar choices that begin to check these greedy bastards.
I'm not going entirely electronically dark. I still have my blog where I occasionally publish. I also have my YouTube page where I do Livestreams or post short videos from time to time. But even the latter might be on the chopping block as it's owned by Google and I have serious problems with that monster (consider yourself put on notice, Google).
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Kirt Lewis